To get started with GazeSense, there are three components necessary for trials and two more required for real world scenarios.
Trial Phase
1. 3D Camera
2. Processor
3. GazeSense Software
Real World Implementation
4. Shelf mounts
5. Analytics Software
To get started with GazeSense, there are three components necessary for trials and two more required for real world scenarios.
Trial Phase
1. 3D Camera
A. We recommend the Orbec Astra Embedded S.
Pros: Greatest Range 1.3 meters, small
Cons: Becomes warm to the touch, more difficult to mount
B. We have also used the Intel Realsense D415
Pros: Professional finish, cool to the touch
Cons: Range limited to 1 meter
C. A list of other cameras which work with our software can be found here.
2. Processor
A. Any processors that meet these following requirements can be used to run Gazesense
Pros: Testing can be done immediately
Cons: larger computers can be bulky for real world environments.
B. Additionally the Intel Nuc 10 can be used
Pros: small and easily hideable in a retail scenario
Cons: Must be ordered, initial testing can probably be done with on-hand computers.
3. GazeSense Software
A. GazeSense
Get in touch with [email protected] to download GazeSense and get your activation key.
Real world implementation
4. Shelf mounts
A. Shelf Mounts
This differs depending on the shelf. Examples coming soon.
5. Analytics Software
A. Tableau
Pros: Professional, easy to use, diverse data analytics options.
Cons: Paid
B. Ogama
Pros: Free
Cons: Limited data analytics options, less user friendly
1. Software Setup
The download process is intuitive, detailed instructions can be found here. For any questions during setup please email [email protected].
2. Hardware Setup
The camera & processor can be mounted as depicted in the lower video. Details to come.
3. Activation
To allow the computer to understand your real world environment, the shelf, the camera position, and shelf must be defined. Detailed instructions are here.
Activation is done via the user interface. A laptop (or monitor & mouse for NUC applications) must be used to activate data collection at the shelf. When using a NUC, the monitor can then be removed.
NOTE: To record data, the API Log Export feature must be activated.
4. Downloading the data
Recorded data can be collected in a folder as described here.
5. Analyzing the data
This will be covered in the next section
Although we’re not shopper insights experts and therefore can’t recommending any particular study, here are a few we’ve heard might be helpful for understanding how your shoppers make their decision at the shelf
1. Gaze Map; order of consideration
2. Time to Purchase; high vs low consideration
3. Number of Views for a specific AOI; views over total; A/B