機器人研究人員和開發人員現在可以依靠 GazeSense™ 橋來測量對 ROS 中物體的注意力
GazeSense is an application that provides 3D eye tracking by relying on consumer 3D sensors. GazeSense allows users to define virtual 3D objects concerning the camera and world coordinate systems and measure people’s attention towards the objects.
通過新發布的 GazeSense ROS 插件,GazeSense 橋將通常通過自定義 API 提供的實時眼睛和注意力跟踪數據公開到機器人操作系統 (ROS) 中。
What Is 活性氧?
ROS is a flexible Robot Operating System framework for writing robot software. It’s a collection of tools, libraries, and conventions that aim to simplify the task of creating complex and robust robot behaviors across a wide variety of robotic platforms.
GazeSense 將在 ROS 上做什麼? It offers a mechanism for perception, where GazeSense provides robotics researchers and developers with real-time signals on attention towards objects. One would be able to tell if a person interacting with the robot is looking at either of the defined objects or not or looking at the robot itself. The attention label (‘what is the person looking at’) is then published as a topic into the ROS framework.
Sensing attention is particularly useful for people working in the human-robot interaction (HRI) as attention sensing is critical for understanding engagement intention and for building rapport.
The first iteration of the GazeSense ROS plugin is focused on a hard-coded version to allow a user to:
- 定義對象並將它們輸入 GazeSense;
- 捕獲對對象的注意力的 GazeSense 信號並將其發佈到 ROS 中。
‘Robot playing piano,’ Photo by 弗蘭克 V. 在 不飛濺
If you are looking for more features, like, for example, a more ‘plug-n-play’ object definition for the GazeSense ROS bridge, reach out to us to let us know via an email to 產品@eyeware.tech 或只需在我們的 想法和要求 Trello Board.
我在哪裡可以獲得 GazeSense ROS 插件?
Gaze Sense is hosted on a Github repository for easy access and view.
Please take me to the GazeSense ROS plugin!
為什麼我們要為所有使用 ROS 的機器人研究人員和開發人員創建一個 GazeSense ROS 插件?
Because creating genuinely robust and general-purpose robot software is hard, and no one can hope to do it alone. We are thus joining the world-class, collaborative robotics software development platform and vibrant ROS community of roboticists to help produce robust solutions and build on each other’s work.
The core of ROS is licensed under the standard three-clause BSD license, a very permissive open license that allows for reuse in commercial and closed source products.
你知道嗎? Through their AWS RoboMaker, Amazon is using ROS to offer developers a place to develop and test robotics applications. If curious, you can explore ROS’s entire impactful history from 維基百科 by scrolling down to ‘milestones.’
Wanna have a GazeSense plugin available for another type of development platform or framework out there? Do you work with Unity, Matlab, or other niche platforms? Submit your preferred choice to our 想法和請求板 或通過電子郵件發送至 產品@eyeware.tech, and your voice will be heard! We aim to support your efforts and bring 3D eye tracking to real-world applications with easy integrations.